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The New International Version (NIV)
The NIV began with one man’s vision for a faithful rendering of the Bible in contemporary English. It became the world’s best-selling Bible in modern English in 1986 and continues so today. Why the enduring popularity? From Bible scholar to novice lay reader, those seeking God in His Word enjoy the clear, understandable language of the NIV and the trustworthy accuracy of the translation to the original languages of the Bible.

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Threads of Grace and Glory


Threads of Grace and Glory

From the start in the garden of Genesis to the finish in the city of Revelation, there are threads of ideas and narratives woven throughout the Scripture. Across all 66 books, in every season and… Continue Reading

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Deeper Study

The Number One Quality We Need to Walk in God’s Will

We need one key quality more than any other for exploring God’s will. This virtue is required to embrace Scripture and to win the wrestling match that often happens in our hearts with God’s will…. Continue Reading


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NIV verse of the Day 1 John 4:11-12

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